8:25 AM

When you think of spring cleaning you think of clean sheets, new home decor, and decluttering, but what about spring cleaning your mind? As a students I very easily get overwhelmed with work, school, personal work, and family.

This is when being selfish is beneficial. You may have too many things on your plate and decluttering your work load  comes in handy. For example, you may have 3-4 personal projects going. Cutting your work load to 1-2 may be ideal. We are not totally cutting off all of the task, were are simply saving those other task for later. Choose what is most important to you. 

Family is important. We all love our family and want to spend as much time as we can with them. Taking the time out for yourself is just as important as spending time with your family. Going to the movies, having dinner, and simply taking a walk on your own are ways to declutter your thoughts.

Time management. I  personally suffer a great deal with time management. Currently I am a student with 2 part time jobs not including my internship and have a significant other. Figuring out balance will always be a challenge, but the few things I have tried has worked. Cutting back on your work hours, organize whats more important and setting a time limit to do the tasks such as writing a blog post, homework, and everyday duties.   

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